We are a group of non-commercial radio operators consisting of individuals and their families. We share a common interest in two-way radio communications.
Our goal is to expand GMRS repeater coverage throughout the State of Texas and promote the use of the service within in the community for daily and emergency communications.
We currently have repeaters in the Houston regional area with plans to add additional locations in the near future.
A unique feature of two-way radios is its ability to facilitate group-calls or one-to-many communications very effectively. One user can easily communicate with one, twenty, hundreds, or even thousands of other two-way radio users simultaneously.
It is important to outline the operating structure of this organization. The organization is not registered as a non-profit organization (yet). Donations are collected for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining the Texas GMRS Network, site hosting and other related costs. The actual repeaters are not owned by the group but are personally owned by various members. All dues collected go directly to support the maintenance and upkeep of the repeater network.
No one makes any money from this organization, there are no salaries, no fees, and no dollars go out that are not directly related to the upkeep of the network.
The donations help offset the costs involved with keeping this system running. Repeater owners graciously allow members to use their repeaters, at no cost.